Unlock Business Results with Strategic Insight and Project Management Mastery

What We Do

Market Analysis & GTM Strategy

We empower Automotive Industry businesses with strategic market insights and actionable go-to-market plans. Our service begins with detailed market analysis and sizing, identifying your ideal customers and quantifying potential opportunities.

We then craft customized go-to-market strategies, ensuring that your product or service launches are targeted, effective, and successful.

Project Execution

Got a project to deliver? We offer a flexible way to access project managers when you need to deliver your projects. We help you understand the resources and expertise you need and provide you the right project managers to get the job done.

Got a project on fire? Don’t worry. We have a team of experienced experts that can be deployed for the rescue.

PMO Consulting

We specialize in establishing and optimizing Project Management Offices (PMO) for small to medium-sized businesses. Our approach is tailored to streamline your project processes, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure alignment with your strategic objectives.

From setting up robust governance structures to implementing best practices in project management, we provide comprehensive guidance and support.


A solution that focus on results:

We offer a rare blend of in-depth market analysis, strategic go-to-market planning, and direct PMO implementation support, all customized to your specific business goals. Our agile, responsive approach, combined with our deep industry insights, ensures not only immediate solutions but also long-term business empowerment and sustainable growth. This comprehensive, hands-on methodology sets us apart, making us the ideal partner for businesses seeking practical, effective strategies and tangible results.

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Who We Serve

ZL Blog

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GTM strategy series
Strategic business planning in Michigan is the process of creating a plan that will help a business achieve its long-term goals. This plan will identify the steps that need...
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